
Bilingualism and Beyond: Advancing the Thinking on Pedagogies, Policies and Practices

CONFERENCE DATES: From April 29 - May 1, 2021

The conference will be presented in virtual mode.

ORGANIZED BY: Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL), Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI), University of Ottawa in collaboration with EDiLiC.

VENUE: Online - Live and prerecorded presentations


A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE. The world has taken a multilingual turn: an increased awareness that monolingualism is an exception rather than a norm and unprecedented mass migrations have created impetus for continued pedagogical, assessment, policy, and technological innovations to reflect changing global realities. New calls for recognition and specific actions to support diversity, inclusion, equity, and citizenship related to languages have also come to the forefront of global thinking.

THE CANADIAN CONTEXT. In keeping with global trends, Canada has entered a new era in its thinking and actions regarding the role and impact of languages in its complex and diverse social fabric. Continuing to celebrate French-English bilingualism, the Government of Canada has recently launched consultations on modernizing the Official Languages Act and has announced an investment of over $16 million to implement a free learning and maintenance program for French and English. Strong voices for according a new place and offering higher recognition to Indigenous languages have triggered consultations and a subsequent adoption of an Indigenous Languages Act. In addition, close to 23% of Canadians report having a language other than English or French as a mother tongue (Statistics Canada, 2017).

Within this rich and stimulating global and local context, the Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL) is organizing its 2020 Conference. The conference will include individual presentations, posters, symposia, round tables and workshops transcending boundaries and bringing thinking and action to the next level on topics related, but not limited, to the following:

  • Language teaching, learning, and assessment
  • Language and technology
  • Language policy and family language policy
  • Flexible, experiential, community and informal language learning
  • Academic literacies, multiliteracies and multimodality
  • Languages of schooling, immersion studies, bi-/multilingual education, language intensive programs
  • The role of L1(s) or mother tongue(s) in second/additional language teaching
  • Inclusion, social justice and equity
  • Creation and intersection of third spaces and dialogue between spaces
  • Language and migration
  • Plurilingualism, multilingualism, translanguaging
  • Official languages, Heritage languages, Modern languages, Indigenous languages, Sign languages, Minority languages, ‘Big’ languages vs. ‘Small’ languages
  • Languages other than English (LOTE)


Nikolay Slavkov (University of Ottawa), Marie-Paule Lory (University of Toronto Mississauga) and Catherine Levasseur (University of Ottawa).

For more information, please contact us at the following address: ccerbal@uOttawa.ca 

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